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Sotyktu (Deucravacitinib)

Type: drug type
Product: Sotyktu Tablet
Manufacturer: Bristol-Myers Squibb
Country: Canada
Dosage: 6 mg
Qty: 28
USD $1799.99
Type: drug type
Product: Sotyktu Tablet
Manufacturer: Bristol-Myers Squibb
Country: Canada
Dosage: 6 mg
Qty: 90
USD $4879.99

Sotyktu Information:

Buy Sotyktu

Sotyktu (Deucravacitinib) is used to treat moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in adults who may benefit from systemic therapy (pills or injections that work inside the body) or phototherapy (treatment using specialized ultraviolet or UV light). The active ingredient is deucravacitinib, a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors (specifically selective tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) inhibitor). While the mechanism of action of Sotyktu is not fully understood, it is believed to work by selectively inhibiting TYK2, a key enzyme involved in the inflammatory pathways of psoriasis. This inhibition reduces the activity of specific proteins that cause inflammation and rapid skin cell growth, improving plaque psoriasis symptoms and appearance.

Generic Sotyktu from Canada

Canada Drugs Online proudly serves you the brand Sotyktu, manufactured by Bristol-Myers Squibb in Canada. The generic Sotyktu is currently not available. Please call us toll-free at 1-877-900-3784 for details. also carries other Canadian drugs, such as Breo Ellipta and Latuda.

Sotyktu Side Effects:

Like all medications, Sotyktu does have its side effects. Common mild side effects include mouth sores, small red bumps on the skin, stuffy nose, and sore throat. Contact your doctor if these mild side effects persist or worsen.

Possible serious side effects of this medication may include unusual lumps and growths, unexplained weight loss, muscle pain, tenderness or weakness, fever or unusual tiredness, abnormal change in the amount of urine, persistent nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, yellowing eyes or skin, dark urine, persistent cough, chills, sore throat or skin sores, severe body itching and rash, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, and extreme dizziness. Stop using this device and seek immediate medical attention if you notice these severe side effects. Also, inform your doctor about other side effects you see that are not listed here.

Sotyktu is a new, first-in-class drug, recently approved in many countries for treating plaque psoriasis. Clinical trials have shown that it can significantly improve symptoms and the appearance of skin in people with plaque psoriasis. It also has a good safety profile with primarily mild side effects associated with reduced immunity. Many clinical trials are ongoing to determine its efficacy in treating other immune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and inflammatory bowel diseases.

Sotyktu Directions:

Take Sotyktu tablets orally with or without food, as directed by your doctor. Swallow these tablets whole and avoid chewing, crushing, or cutting them. Your doctor will determine the appropriate dosage and duration of treatment for you. Check out the leaflet in the medication pack for more details on usage. Use this medication regularly for optimal effectiveness. Do not use more than the prescribed dose to make up for a missed dose. Store this medication at room temperature and keep it away from children and pets.

Sotyktu Precautions:

Before taking this medication, it is essential to inform your doctor about any previous or current medical conditions you may have, especially the following:
• Allergic reaction to deucravacitinib, other ingredients of Sotyktu, or any other medication;
• Blood clot disorders;
• Cancer;
• Current or past infections, including bacteria, fungal or viral infections;
• Heart disease;
• High levels of fats/triglycerides;
• Liver disease

This medication can make you more likely to get infections. It can also worsen any ongoing infection. Therefore, avoid contact with anyone with an infection that may quickly spread, such as chickenpox, COVID-19, measles, or flu. Before getting vaccines or immunizations or undergoing a surgical procedure, inform your healthcare professional that you are using this medication. This medicine should be used cautiously in older adults as they may be more sensitive to its side effects. There isn't sufficient data to assess the risk of this medication in breastfeeding or pregnant women. Therefore, consult your doctor before taking this medication during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. This medication is not recommended for use in children younger than 18 years. Some other medications may interact with deucravacitinib, leading to an increase in the risk of developing side effects. Some of these medications include:
• Ublituximab and other immunosuppressants

Therefore, before using this medication, inform your doctor about any other medications you are currently taking, including herbal medicines and supplements, to determine if it is safe along with Sotyktu.

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